

Agency: USDA FOREST SERVICE The Costa Rican Bird Observatories (http://www.CostaRicaBird.org) is looking for highly motivated and experienced banders and bander assistants, who can work at our three bird monitoring stations: Tortuguero National Park in the Caribbean coast, Madre Selva in the Costa Rican highlands, and INBio in the rural suburbs of the Central Valley. The main role of the interns will be banding and processing of migrant and resident landbird species, as well as conducting migration counts of diurnal migrants moving along the coast during migration. The interns will work mainly with other volunteers and scientists. It may be requested for them that support environmental ...

Primate Volunteers and Interns needed for primatology research expeditions in the Amazon 2012 and 2013

Fauna Forever (FF) is a not-for-profit organization based out of the jungle city of Puerto Maldonado in the Amazon rainforests of Tambopata in south-eastern Peru. The organization, which traces its origins back to 1997, works to promote biodiversity conservation, the sustainable use of tropical forest resources, and the continued flow of vital ecosystem services from Peru’s wild nature - for the benefit of all. It leads and supports pure and applied environmental and socio-economic research projects, training workshops, volunteer and intern programs, and forest conservation initiatives with the aim of benefiting State- and private-led protected areas, local families and communities ...

Project assistant - Wildlife Research and Release Unit

Wildlife Research and Release Unit (WRRU) is a non-profit unit created to promote appreciation of South Africa's indigenous species and is dedicated to preserve and protect the wildlife and its natural environment. We are working in following areas: education, primate reintroductions and research, as well as veterinary support for local communities.Are looking for a project assistant/administrative assistant to join our growing team.You will be expected to do:- look for grants and write grant proposals- write donation requests for companies/private donors- update social media pages and website- fund-raising- marketing- raise the profile of our unit- design and develop educational programs ...

Primate Carer - Bambelela Wildlife Care

Hiring Organization:Bambelela Wildlife Care Description: Bambelela, based in Bela Bela, South Africa, are looking for (unpaid) volunteers to help with the day to day running of our sanctuary. You would be working alongside one other volunteer (your buddy), in the initial stages, cleaning out your assigned enclosure, changing their water, blankets and feeding them, so a love of monkeys is paramount as you will be having contact with these animals on a daily basis. You will also be required to assist with general maintenance of the farm, ie raking, cleaning, repairs, etc.Additionally you will be assigned an hour's shift each day in our Kindergarten enclosure with an experienced member of ...

Resident Veterinarian - Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary requires a resident veterinarian. The current post-holder will complete their eighteen-month contract in early October 2012. The veterinarian is responsible for the daily health and welfare of the resident chimpanzees and administrative tasks to support the overall daily operation of the sanctuary.The SanctuaryTacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary was established in 1995 by the Government of Sierra Leone, through the help of conservationist Bala Amarasekaran to rescue, care for and rehabilitate confiscated pets and orphaned or abandoned wild chimpanzees. It plays a vital role in conserving and protecting chimpanzees in the wild through education, communication and legal ...

Internship Butterfly Systematist – Florida

Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Description: Seeking a highly motivated undergraduate student with a particular interest in systematic biology to take part in an NSF-funded research project on the systematics of Neotropical butterflies. The project will take place at the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, one of the world's largest and most active ...

Volunteer Field Assistant - Project on Wild Capuchin Monkeys, Costa Rica

Hiring Organization: UCLA Position  Description: A graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) conducting dissertation fieldwork in conjunction with the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project. Be monitoring one to two habituated group of wild white-faced capuchin monkeys for a period of 5 months (Oct-Feb) - taking behavioral, genetic, and hormonal data as part of a project on female reproductive ...

Asistente de Conservación - PROAVES Colombia

PROAVES Colombia requiere hombre o mujer para trabajar como Asistente de Conservación en la Fundación ProAves. Formación académica: Biólogo o ecólogo recién egresado. Tener conocimientos en: Manejo de GPS. Cartografía. Google Earth. Manejo de reservas o áreas protegidas. Planes de manejo y conservación. Funciones: Facilidad en trabajo de campo. Georeferenciacion de áreas protegidas. Revisión de planes de manejo y conservación de áreas protegidas o especies de fauna y flora. Señalización temática de áreas protegidas. Manejo o experiencia en áreas protegidas y reservas. Observación de aves y fauna y flora en general. Disponibilidad para viajar por toda Colombia. Las personas interesadas ...