
Volunteer Field Assistant - Project on Wild Capuchin Monkeys, Costa Rica

Hiring Organization: UCLA Position 

Description: A graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) conducting dissertation fieldwork in conjunction with the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project. Be monitoring one to two habituated group of wild white-faced capuchin monkeys for a period of 5 months (Oct-Feb) - taking behavioral, genetic, and hormonal data as part of a project on female reproductive strategies. looking for two field assistants to assist with data collection. My field assistants will mostly be responsible for taking GPS data, collecting fecal samples opportunistically, filling out monkey census sheets, and helping with fecal sample processing. Field assistants will also be trained on monkey IDs, vocalization recognition, and behavioral data collection. 

Recommend taking a look at the field guide for the Lomas Barbudal Capuchin Project to get a sense of the terrain and work schedule of typical field assistants: website:
 http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/anthro/faculty/sperry/jobs.html The assistants will be staying at the Lomas de Barbudal Biological Reserve field station instead of at the Monkey Project field assistant house, which is located in Bagaces. As a result, we will have less contact with Monkey Project members and more contact with local Costa Ricans, tourists, volunteers, and park officials. The cost of living at the Lomas de Barbudal Biological Reserve field station will be covered for assistants. Field days are long (typically 13-hours plus commute time) and physically demanding. Most of our time will be spent off-trail. 

Qualifications/Experience: You must be able to carry a heavy backpack (3-6 liters of water, project equipment, etc.), positive attitude, high tolerance for stress, not afraid to crash off of trails, Spanish language skills preferred but not required. 

Salary/funding: $100 stipend given at the end of each field month. Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging): Upon completion of a 4-month contract (Nov-Feb),will be able to refund up to $850 in plane fare. Assistants must provide their own medical insurance and arrange for their own vaccinations. 

Term of Appointment: A 4-month commitment (November 2012 through February 2013) is necessary. Field assistants must also be available twice weekly during October 2012 for Skype meetings to go over project protocols and to begin training on codes. 

Application Deadline: Will begin reviewing applications immediately and will continue on a rolling basis until August 15, 2012. 

Comments: This is a great opportunity to get primatology field experience. It is a short-term commitment primarily during the dry season, when visibility is high. Interested applicants should send a 1-2 page resume with your educational history and relevant work and research experience. Also, include 3 references that can be contacted. 

Contact Information: Irene Godoy Deptartment of Anthropology, Box 951553 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553
 USA Telephone Number:+506-2671-2250 

Website: http://www.anthro.ucla.edu/people/grad-pages?lid=5509 E-mail Address: godoy@ucla.edu

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