

PROYECTO: Ecología y conservación de primates en los bosques del Magdalena Medio en Colombia.La Fundación Proyecto Primates está realizando un estudio de la comunidad de primates en varias localidades del Magdalena Medio Colombiano con el fin de entender como afecta la pérdida de hábitat y la fragmentación a las diferentes especies de primates. En especial se está haciendo énfasis en estudiar aspectos básicos de la ecología y comportamiento de Ateles hybridus, una especie críticamente amenazada con la extinción.El principal objetivo de este estudio es el de comparar las estrategias ecológicas y sociales de los primates en ecosistemas intervenidos por el hombre para comparar los resultados con ...

Summer Internship Opportunity at Innoko National Wildlife Refuge, In the Remote Interior of Alaska

Agency: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Innoko National Wildlife Refuge Location: McGrath, Alaska Job Description: Summer Internship Opportunity Innoko National Wildlife Refuge McGrath, Alaska Innoko National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is looking for 6 volunteers to work as Biological Science Technicians during this (2012) summer field season. Volunteers will get a chance to work on projects including; moose browse abundance surveys, land cover map validation, intensive vegetation sampling in meadow-like habitats, and small mammal live trapping. You will also be provided valuable wildlife management / remote field safety training including; general aviation safety, aviation water ditching, motor ...

Internship Position Available (on-going) for New World Primate Caregiver/Office Assistant at Pacific Primate Sanctuary, Maui, Hawaii

Hiring Organization:Pacific Primate SanctuaryPosition Description:This is truly a Sanctuary, a beautiful place for the right person. Responsibilities of an animal caretaker involve: providing daily care, enrichment, and nurturing to +/- 70 monkeys, administering medications, preparing food, cleaning enclosures, colony management, and maintaining the Sanctuary facility. Office assistance would include: record-keeping, data entry (Mac- Filemaker Pro, Excel, Word), preparing reports, and presenting literature reviews. After the initial training period, managerial duties would be added and more technical training will be available. Interns are given the opportunity to become primary animal caregivers. ...

Avian Field Biologists - New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma

Agency: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory Job Description: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (RMBO) is seeking experienced field biologists to conduct point counts throughout the Kiowa, Rita Blanca, and Cimarron National Grasslands and the National Park Service Southern Plains Inventory and Monitoring Network. Surveys are located in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The position will run from April 23, 2012 through June 30, 2012. Technicians will attend a mandatory, paid training workshop prior to beginning field work. Upon successful completion of training, the technician will work independently conducting bird surveys. Field work covers a wide range of habitats; including shortgrass ...

Marine Biology and Natural Science Instructors, The Caribbean, the Bahamas, Fiji, British Columbia

Agency: Broadreach Job Description: Marine biology and natural science courses focus on hands-on study in the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Fiji, British Columbia, South Africa, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica or Belize. The courses combine classroom learning, practical application of skills, labs and field survey techniques, along with cultural activities, service learning and adventure activities. In addition to teaching, instructors live with students and facilitate positive group dynamics, personal growth, adventure activities and leadership development. Qualifications: Master's or PhD in a related field of study required. Experience teaching marine science at the high school or college ...

Sea Turtle Volunteer & Research Assistant Opportunities - Costa Rica, Mexico and Guatemala

Agency: SEE Turtles Job Description: SEE Turtles is a non-profit conservation tourism project that partners with sea turtle conservation organizations to promote responsible turtle watching. The project is part of Ocean Revolution, sponsored by The Ocean Foundation. For those who can brave long walks, late night shifts, insects, and occasional downpours, working with sea turtles can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Volunteering on a sea turtle nesting beach is not a vacation; it is an opportunity to make a difference, participate in scientific research, and meet new people. Sea turtle conservation volunteering is hard work but the benefits include new experiences, lots ...