
Sea Turtle Volunteer & Research Assistant Opportunities - Costa Rica, Mexico and Guatemala

Agency: SEE Turtles
Job Description: SEE Turtles is a non-profit conservation tourism project that partners with sea turtle conservation organizations to promote responsible turtle watching. The project is part of Ocean Revolution, sponsored by The Ocean Foundation. For those who can brave long walks, late night shifts, insects, and occasional downpours, working with sea turtles can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Volunteering on a sea turtle nesting beach is not a vacation; it is an opportunity to make a difference, participate in scientific research, and meet new people. Sea turtle conservation volunteering is hard work but the benefits include new experiences, lots of good exercise, learning a new language, and a good addition to a growing resume.

At most sea turtle projects, the work involves participating in nightly beach patrols, looking for nesting sea turtles and helping researchers collect data. SEE Turtles can connect you for free with an international sea turtle conservation project. We work with volunteer projects in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Research Assistant positions are also available for those with some biology background or relevant experience. RA positions require a longer time commitment, usually 2 months or more. Once at the project site, housing and food are provided for RA's at no expense. If interested please check the Research Assistant box on the Volunteer Matching Form.

To complete an online Volunteer Matching form go to:


- Reasonable physical condition
- Ability to tolerate basic living conditions and food
- To be able to pay a small amount for expenses and registration
- A good attitude and open mind
- Provide your own travel to the site
- To dedicate at least a week to the work

Salary: volunteer
Last Date to apply: December 31, 2012
Website: http://www.seeturtles.org/688/sea-turtle-volunteer
E-mail: info@seeturtles.org

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