Pasantía - Proyecto BBVA desarrollado por el Programa de Biodiversidad y Ecosistemas Marinos - BEM.

El INVEMAR requiere un (1) estudiante de Biología, Biología Marina, Ingeniería Pesquera, Veterinaria o carreras afines con conocimientos básicos de invertebrados marinos, con el fin de desarrollar una pasantía en el marco del proyecto BBVA desarrollado por el Programa de Biodiversidad y Ecosistemas Marinos - BEM.

Las propuestas se recibirán a partir de las 7:00 a.m. del día 12 de septiembre de 2011 hasta el día 30 de septiembre de 2011 a las 5:00 p.m. Los interesados deberán enviar sus documentos en sobre cerrado dirigido a la Coordinación Académica de INVEMAR, Cerro Punta Betín, entrada por el Terminal Marítimo de Santa Marta.

Mayor información:

Sea Lion Intern - Audubon Zoo

Audubon Zoo
Location: New Orleans, LA, United States


Audubon Zoo is currently looking for sea lion interns for spring 2012. This hands-on internship is geared towards college students or recent graduates that are aspiring to become marine mammal trainers. Interns will be exposed to all aspects of the daily care and training of California sea lions.


Interns will work in Audubon Zoo’s sea lion department. Responsibilities include: preparing diets, cleaning exhibit and backup areas, testing water quality, participating in public presentations, designing enrichment items and participating alongside trainers in training and husbandry sessions. Interns are also required to complete weekly quizzes and study guides. Depending on your skill level and motivation, your internship can be tailored so that you can get the most of out your time here.


Candidates must be highly self-motivated, willing to work hard and get dirty, but to also have some fun at the same time. This internship involves heavy lifting of up to 50 pounds in the heat and humidity of New Orleans. All candidates must be willing to work full-time (40 hours per week) including weekends and holidays for 13 weeks. Proof of a current negative TB test will be required upon arrival. This internship is unpaid and no housing is provided, but Audubon Zoo is located within walking distance of two major colleges so housing is easy to find.

To apply:

Please send a cover letter and one page resume via e-mail. Please write “internship” in the subject line. Applications are due November 1, 2011 for the spring internship.

Contact Information:

Audubon Zoo

Katie DeLorenzo

Sea Lion Department

6500 Magazine St

New Orleans, LA 70118


Phone: 1.504.416.1784