
Avian Field Biologists - New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma

Agency: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Job Description: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (RMBO) is seeking experienced field biologists to conduct point counts throughout the Kiowa, Rita Blanca, and Cimarron National Grasslands and the National Park Service Southern Plains Inventory and Monitoring Network. Surveys are located in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

The position will run from April 23, 2012 through June 30, 2012. Technicians will attend a mandatory, paid training workshop prior to beginning field work. Upon successful completion of training, the technician will work independently conducting bird surveys. Field work covers a wide range of habitats; including shortgrass and mixed-grass prairie, riparian, pinyon-juniper, and eastern woodland-mixed-grass prairie. The standard work schedule will be ten days on/four days off. Technicians must be able to identify all bird species within the study area by sight and sound upon completion of training, and should expect to hike off-trail sometimes in rugged terrain or under difficult conditions. Primitive camping, often without phone service or facilities, will be required in some areas. In addition to salary we cover mileage for project related driving, and up to $400 a month in camping and lodging reimbursement.

Qualifications: Applicants should be enthusiastic, physically fit, enjoy travel and expect to work long hours in the field. Applicants must enjoy working independently with multiple days of solitude. A valid driver's license, proof of auto insurance, binoculars, camping gear, a strong work ethic and enthusiasm are required. Desired qualifications include experience conducting bird surveys, especially point counts, with the ability to identify western and some eastern bird species by sight and sound, experience with camping and long distance hiking.

To apply please e-mail a cover letter including dates of availability and a resume with at least three references to Ross Lock.
Salary: $1,800-$2,500/month
Last Date to apply: March 31, 2012
Website: http://www.rmbo.org
Contact: Ross Lock
E-mail: ross.lock@rmbo.org
Phone: 970-482-1707

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