
Internship Butterfly Systematist – Florida

Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Description: Seeking a highly motivated undergraduate student with a particular interest in systematic biology to take part in an NSF-funded research project on the systematics of Neotropical butterflies. The project will take place at the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, one of the world's largest and most active centers for Lepidoptera taxonomic research and among the world's four most important Lepidoptera collections. The student will gain experience in taxonomic methods, Lepidoptera collections curation, comparative morphological and molecular study, phylogenetic analysis and potential co-authorship in a resulting publication. The project will involve microscope work, work in a molecular systematics laboratory and work in the museum's specimen collections. The student will spend the equivalent of 8 weeks full-time working on the project between June-December 2012, with hours somewhat flexible, and will receive a stipend. The student must be a citizen or permanent resident of the USA and enrolled as an undergraduate student at a US institution throughout the period of the project (although not necessarily registered for classes).

For application details and further information visit: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/butterflies/neotropica/reu2012.html or contact Dr. Keith Willmott (352 273 2012, kwillmott@flmnh.ufl.edu).

Qualifications:  The student must be a citizen or permanent resident of the USA and enrolled as an undergraduate student at a US institution throughout the period of the project (although not necessarily registered for classes). Applicants must have a basic understanding of biological nomenclature, an interest in evolutionary biology and sufficient manual dexterity to handle fragile museum specimens. A proven interest in systematic biology is a distinct advantage.

Start Date: 06/27/2012

Last Date to Apply: 05/25/2012

Contact Person Dr. Keith Willmott Contact Phone: 352 273 2012 Contact eMail: kwillmott@flmnh.ufl.edu

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