

The Costa Rican Bird Observatories (http://www.CostaRicaBird.org) is looking for highly motivated and experienced banders and bander assistants, who can work at our three bird monitoring stations: Tortuguero National Park in the Caribbean coast, Madre Selva in the Costa Rican highlands, and INBio in the rural suburbs of the Central Valley. The main role of the interns will be banding and processing of migrant and resident landbird species, as well as conducting migration counts of diurnal migrants moving along the coast during migration. The interns will work mainly with other volunteers and scientists. It may be requested for them that support environmental education and community outreach activities. Interns will be rotating among the three different stations during their internship, which involves some traveling within the country. All volunteers receive their room and board while they are staying at our stations. This is one of the longest running efforts in Latin America.
Participants are expected to have experience in identifying birds, and they are required to have removed from mist nets and processed at least 200 landbirds. How to apply: Positions will be open until filled, and operations happen year round. Please send (emailed text documents preferred) a resume and a cover letter that includes your bird banding experience, ability with Spanish/English, dates available, three references and any questions to Pablo Elizondo, jpelizondo [at] KlamathBird.org, AND (ie. cc: email) Dr. C. John Ralph, cjr2 [at] humboldt.edu,             707 825-2992       (fax 707 825-2901), USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station -- Arcata Laboratory, 1700 Bayview Drive, Arcata, California 95521. More information can be found at www.CostaRicaBird.org and http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/topics/wildlife/birdmon/landbird/tortuguero/
Last Date to Apply: 05/31/12
 Contact Person: Pablo Elizondo
Contact Phone: 506-8834-4858
Contact eMail: jpelizondo@klamathbird.org

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