
FIELD ASSISTANT (Troupial behavior study in Puerto Rico)

Title: FIELD ASSISTANT (Troupial behavior study in Puerto Rico)
Agency: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Location: Puerto Rico

Job Description:
Seeking an enthusiastic field technician to aid in graduate research in PUERTO RICO on Troupial (Icterus icterus) duets and vocal behavior. Research will take place in CABO ROJO NATIONAL PARK in the dry forests of southwestern Puerto Rico. The position will begin mid to late FEBRUARY and last until mid to late APRIL, 2012. Main duties will involve helping mist-net and band Troupials, conducting observations and helping with playback experiments, manually recording Troupial vocalizations, and setting up and maintaining automated audio recorders. Dedication to long periods of research in the field and early hours is expected. Room and board provided by the project. Applicants are expected to pay their own airfare to San Juan, Puerto Rico (usually ~$300).

Qualifications: The successful applicant must have a passion for outdoor research and wildlife, even in hot or buggy conditions. Good physical condition is important for potentially long periods of hiking and following birds. Previous research banding birds, substantial use of binoculars, and experience reading color bands preferable. Fluency in Spanish also beneficial.

Interested to get away from the cold and snow and live on a tropical island for the winter? EMAIL Karan Odom kodom1@umbc.edu with a COVERLETTER and CV (include last name at the beginning of the file name).

APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 9, 2012, but applications may be reviewed and a decision made prior to this date.

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