
Field assistant hummingbird research Costa Rica

Job Description:
We are seeking highly motivated and qualified individuals for participating in a study on visual and acoustic signals and social status in the Neotropical hummingbird long-billed hermit (Phaethornis longirostris). This species forms leks (courtship assemblies) of 9-20 males, in which individuals interact using a variety of acoustic signals and visual displays (ww.youtube.com/watch?v=VeuzTytGwG8). The position will involve at least a 8 week period of full-time work during the spring-summer of 2012 (from Feb-Aug) at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Food and lodging but NO SALARY will be provided.
Field assistant will be responsible for their own travel costs. The assistant will work with mistnetting, song recording, playback experiments and behavioral observations, gaining hands-on experience working with birds. This position represents a good opportunity to improve knowledge and research skills for undergraduate students interested in tropical avian ecology and behavior research. Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, like working in teams and independently, and be comfortable working in high temperature, mosquito clouds, and snake-inhabited dense vegetation areas. Interested students should submit 1) curriculum vitae, 2) contact information of two references and 3) a cover letter to Marcelo Araya-Salas: maraya AT nmsu.edu. The cover letter must describe any previous research and contain a brief statement explaining your interest in obtaining research experience in these areas.


Last Date to apply: January 7, 2012

Contact: Marcelo Araya
E-mail: marceloa27@gmail.com(Preferred)
Phone: 5753121327

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