
Volunteer Research Assistants: Primate & Predator Project in South Africa

Position Description:
We’re looking for volunteer field assistants to help with ongoing research as part of the Primate & Predator Project based within the Soutpansberg Mountains of South Africa. Our study site has an abundance of all five species of South African primate: chacma baboon (Papio ursinus), vervet monkey (Cercopithcus aethiops), samango monkey (Cercopithecus mitis erythrarchcus), thick-tailed bushbaby (Otolemur crassicaudatus) and southern lesser bushbaby (Galago moholi). We are also fortunate that this montane environment supports one of the highest densities of leopard (Panthera pardus) recorded anywhere in Africa, and the leopard population, alongside other predators, is also an important focus of our research.
A major objective of our research is to examine the behavioural ecology of predator-prey interactions focussing on diurnal primates and their predators as a model system. Chacma baboons, vervet monkey and samango monkeys are all the focus on ongoing research at the site, with samango monkeys an important focus at present. However, volunteers may be involved with work on all three species. Volunteers will work alongside an experienced team of field biologists and will be involved in the following tasks:
1. Behavioural observations of habituated primates through full day follows and collection of standardized behavioural and demographic data from our study troops.
2. Experimental titrations of predation risk based on giving-up densities or predator detection experiments using predator models.
3. Habituation of new groups, sometimes tracking via VHF receivers to maintain contact.
4. Monitoring of primate groups via GPS collars. This will be a new element of our research in 2012 and volunteers may play an important role in setting and monitoring traps, tracking via VHF receivers, data download, and collar retrieval.
5. Phenological transects to estimate primate food availability.
6. General data entry and analysis and preparation of reports and papers for publication.
7. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to work on the predator element of the project and engage in camera trapping, GPS collar, or scat/dietary analysis.
The precise activities will vary depending on our recent requirements at the time. Please get in touch if you have specific interests in particular techniques or aspects of our research, since not all activities will be ongoing at all times.

We are looking for volunteer research assistants with the following experience:
1. A background in biology/zoology/ecology or related field and an interest in the behaviour, ecology and conservation of primates and other mammals.
2. Physically fit, and capable of undertaking fieldwork in a mountainous environment, in hot temperatures at certain times of year. You should be able to comfortable cover 10-15km per day (often more) over rough and often steep terrain and capable of carrying a day pack these distances while collecting data.
3. Capable of working well as part of a team, under the authority of field research coordinators, and be a valuable team member.
4. Reliable, responsible and motivated when it comes to following research protocols and methodologies, and an ability to work at unsociable hours when necessary.
5. Relevant experience of the project’s field techniques and of working in southern Africa is desirable but not essential.

No salary is provided, although payment for contributing to certain elements of our research project may be possible on an ad hoc basis. At other times you will need to cover your own food and accommodation costs at the research station. All research equipment will be provided. Volunteer research assistants will also be responsible for their own airfare and travel to South Africa and medical/travel insurance.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Housing is available at the Lajuma Research Centre which is equipped with hot showers, flush toilets, a gas stove, fridge, tapped water, washing machine, gas, firewood and electricity (220V). Volunteers my join the town trip to Louis Trichardt (Makhado) once a week for shopping, visits to an internet café, landline phone calls, etc.

Term of Appointment:
Positions are available immediately. We are looking for volunteers who are able to commit for a minimum of 3 months, although positions may be held for up to 12 months or longer, depending on availability. Volunteers able to contribute for a minimum of 6 months may take responsibility for certain sub-projects, including data analysis and publication where appropriate.

Application Deadline:
To apply, please submit a CV and covering letter to the project email address (primate.predator@durham.ac.uk) outlining your suitability for the role, relevant experience and duration and timing of your availability. There is no specific deadline and applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

Contact Information:
Dr Russell Hill
Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Science Site
Durham DH1 3LE
United Kingdom


E-mail Address:

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