
Field Assistant - New Mexico

Agency: Arizona State University
Location: Soccoro, New Mexico
Salary: $11.67 - $14.95 per hour, depending on experience
Start Date: 08/01/2012
Last Date to Apply: 07/27/2012
Description: We are seeking a highly motivated field assistant to participate in a study of behavioral thermoregulation by mountain spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovi). This study will be based at Sevilleta Field Station in New Mexico. Applicants must be in good physical condition, because field work requires a daily hike and long hours in a hot, dry environment. Some physical labor will be involved in setting up, maintaining, and taking down the study site.
Duties include taking care of lizards in the laboratory (feeding, cleaning cages and monitoring health), collecting behavioral data and blood samples from lizards in outdoor and indoor arenas, and maintaining the study site (e.g., removing vegetation from and repairing enclosures). Hours will vary depending on scheduled tasks each day (maximum of 10 h per day and 40 h per week).
Housing will be provided at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. The applicant may have to share a bedroom with another researcher of the same sex. The site is located 35 miles north of Soccoro, New Mexico, and 60 miles south of Albuquerque. The house contains a washing machine, two full bathrooms, and a kitchen with stove, microwave, garbage disposal and a refrigerator. Free internet access is available. A vehicle will be available for transportation to town to purchase food and supplies.
Qualifications: The successful applicant will have an undergraduate degree in biology, ecology, or a related field. Applicants will be required to handle lizards. Previous experience working in the field or handling reptiles is not required. Applicants must be able to hike through steep terrain while carrying equipment on a daily basis.  
For more information about the project, contact Travis Rusch (trusch@asu.edu) and visit the laboratory website (www.thermaladaptation.com).  
Applicants should email a resume, cover letter, and the names and contact information of three references to Travis Rusch (trusch@asu.edu).
Contact Person: Travis W. Rusch
Contact eMail: trusch@asu.

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