
Biodiveristy Restoration Internship - New Mexico

Agency: New Mexico State University
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Salary: $2,000 per month plus housing support
Start Date: 08/13/2012
Description: Intern will work as part of a research team investigating how animal biodiversity is responding to large-scale restoration efforts in the Chihuahuan Desert aimed at restoring grassland habitat for wildlife (“Restore New Mexico” project). Intern will develop a semi-independent research project related to how mesocarnivores and lagomorphs are responding to efforts to control invasive shrubs. The research will include use of camera-traps to determine site occupancy of medium-size mammals on treatment-reference pairs. The position is funded by the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at NSF in association with the Jornada LTER site. The intern will be employed by New Mexico State University. This is a great opportunity for a motivated student to gain valuable research experience in the Land of Enchantment. 
  • Application procedures: (1) Cover letter, (2) Resume, and (3) Names and contact information for two professional references should be sent via email to Dr. Robert Schooley at the University of Illinois (schooley@illinois.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately. 

  • Qualifications:  Because of the timing (fieldwork into fall), we are recruiting spring 2012 graduates from B.S./B.A. programs in the biological sciences or natural resources management. Genuine interest in applied ecology and biodiversity restoration required. Previous research experience in field ecology helpful. Ability to work independently and as part of a small team.

  • Contact Person: Dr. Robert L. Schooley
    Contact Phone: Skype 217-244-2729
    Contact eMail: schooley@illinois.edu

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