
Sea Turtle Conservation Technician – Mexico

Agency: Tortugueros Las Playitas A.C.
Location: Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
Job Category: Volunteer Openings
website: http: www.todostortugueros.org
Salary: n/a
Start Date: 10/01/2012
Last Date to Apply: 02/28/2013
Work with Biologist and Technicians in the nightly relocation of Leatherback, Olive Ridley and Black sea turtle nests. Record data on nesting turtles, Tag Leatherbacks, and Monitor and control temperatures in an Incubation Greenhouse to maximize the hatchling yeild, and improve the sex ratio. Nest escavation and hatchling releases begin Nov. 15 and last through spring. Peak season for nest relocation and hatchling releases is Nov 15 - Feb 15
Love for the Environment and desire to help restore depleated Leatherback populations. Some Spanish would be helpful, but not required.
Contact Person: Francesca Dvorak
Contact Phone: 011.52.   Skype: 612.145.0353
Contact eMail: tortugueroslasplayitas@gmail.com

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