
Fenwicks Antpitta Telemetry - Fundación ProAves, Colombia

Title: Fenwicks Antpitta Telemetry
Agency: Fundación ProAves
Location: Colibrí de sol reserve

Job Description: Fundación ProAves, conscious of the urgent need to generate scientific data about the CR Fenwicks Antpitta, will initiate a telemetry project starting in June of 2012. The objective of the project will be to generate crucial data necessary for the production of conservation strategies to protect this endemic species and its habitat.

Fundación ProAves is seeking an English speaking biologist (with Spanish skills) with experience in radio-telemetry to work alongside a Colombian biologist and act as lead investigator and mentor during the 2 month project.

Qualifications: Potential candidates must have prior field experience with telemetry, and a demonstrated ability to complete projects without constant supervision. Experience with the use of radio telemetry required, with preference for candidates with a keen interest in birds, preferably with a biological degree or near completion of a degree. Ability to live and work in often different climatic conditions.

Salary: Unpaid (housing and food provided)
Last Date to apply: August 1, 2012
Website: http://www.proaves.org/
Contact: Nate Skinner
E-mail: nskinner@proaves.org(Preferred)
Phone: 571-320-3229

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