
Office Intern with Monkey Time

Office Intern with Monkey Time

Hiring Organization: Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary

Position Description: The office intern lives on-site and work the same hours as the intern caregivers (generally sunrise to sunset). For office internships minimum length is 8 weeks; longer internships are preferred.

Duties include: Day-to-day social networking tasks (posting, managing friends, creating content etc.) for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media spaces.
Assist office staff with filing, copying, data entry, mailings, packing/shipping, phones, and other office tasks as needed.
Participate in special projects such as creating newsletters, email campaigns, or writing grants, or organizing special events.
Clean the office (including floors, kitchen and bathrooms).
Run errands
Provide assistance as needed for the Executive Director and staff (i.e. "gopher" jobs)

Qualifications/Experience: Extensive experience with social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Strong computer skills, including file management and troubleshooting.
Commitment to animal advocacy.
Experience with Microsoft Office and Outlook.
Excellent verbal and written communication

Salary/funding: Unpaid internship. Internship fees when living on-site are $75 / week, which includes room and board.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Internship fees when living on-site are $75 / week, which includes room and board.

Application Deadline: on-going

Contact Information:
Kari Bagnall
13915 N State Road 121

Telephone Number:386-462-7779

Fax Number:214-292-8630


E-mail Address:

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