
California Condor Biological Volunteer Internship - Southern California

Agency: USFWS Hopper Mountain NWRC

Location: Southern CA: Ventura, Santa Barbara, Kern, San Lou

Job Description: The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) California Condor Recovery Program is now accepting applications for our volunteer internship program. This is 4-6 month commitment during which time volunteer interns will receive a living allowance of $35 per day of work while working on and around one of two wildlife refuges central to condor activity in Southern CA.

This USFWS volunteer opportunity focuses on the management of the free flying population of California Condors in Southern California. Selected applicants will track this population throughout its range using radio telemetry and by ground-truthing GPS transmitter data. Volunteers will observe condor behavior at feeding sites, roosts and nests. Often times, these observations make use of observational protocols and a predefined ethogram. Those selected will also be involved in the operation and establishment of supplemental feeding sites which are used to monitor and trap condors. They will also assist in the handling of condors.

Field work requires: the ability to work independently or as a team; work and sometimes camp in remote areas during inclement weather or harsh environmental conditions; travel via ATV, 4WD vehicle, or by foot in steep mountainous terrain; carry 50lb carcasses to feeding sites; keep detailed field notes; follow data collection protocols for the collection and entry of accurate and consistent data; and assist in routine office work.

The California Condor Recovery Program is one of the longest standing endangered species recovery programs in the world. The program has relied on a variety of governmental and non governmental partnerships to successfully bring this species back from the brink of extinction to the road of recovery. Interns will have the opportunity to meet and work with many of these program partners throughout their 4 to 6 month full-time commitment. The standard work schedule consists of ten consecutive days of work, and four consecutive days off in a two week period. Lodging is provided on refuge in a remote location during the work shift. Lodging is not provided during days off. No pets allowed.

SEEKING TO FILL TWO POSITIONS TO START MID APRIL. send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and period of availability to the listed email. Complete applications will be considered as they are received.

Qualifications: valid drivers license; bachelors degree (or pursuing) in wildlife management, natural resources, or related field. Preferable: experience in remote field locations; 4WD vehicle experience; ability to drive standard transmission; ATV driving experience.

Candidates must able to: work as a member of a team; work in extreme weather conditions in remote areas; live in a communal setting, occasionally camp; use radio telemetry to locate and track radio-tagged condors; lift 50 lb carcasses into vehicles and hike them out into remote areas; construct and maintain trails, maintain condor release/holding facilities and other structures; assist in the handling of condors; operate 4WD vehicles and ATV's; keep accurate records; follow data collection protocols.

Salary: $35 per work day
Last Date to apply: April 16, 2012
Website: http://www.fws.gov/hoppermountain/
Contact: Geoff Grisdale
E-mail: geoffrey_grisdale@fws.gov(Preferred)
Phone: 805-451-0084

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