
LIfe Net Avian Conservation Volunteer, Ecuador

Title: LIfe Net Avian Conservation Volunteer
Location: Ecuador, Andes - west slope
Job Description: Ecuador Choco Forest Bird Survey - Mashpi Reserve - June 27 to July 10, 2012.

Life Net's Dr. Dusti Becker and Ecuadorian biologist, Carlos Morochz, seek 6-8 volunteer research assistants to inventory birds in a new protected area - the Mashpi Reserve. Located deep in Ecuador's western Choco, Mashpi covers more than 17,000 hectares spanning elevations from 500 to 1300 m. Mashpi's amazing primary forest supports leks of Long-watttled Umbrella birds and numerous Choco endemic birds, and help is needed to complete survey work!

Volunteers stay in comfortable apartments with modern facilities (hot water showers, flush toilets, electricity) and are served wholesome home-style Ecuadorian meals in what will soon be one of Ecuador's most exciting rain forest ecotourism destinations on the slopes of the western Andes. The team's goal is to develop a bird list for the reserve and to determine the general conservation value of the reserve in terms of avian diversity. Volunteers assist with mist-netting and trail surveys at various elevations in the new reserve, document hummingbird diversity at feeders, and maximize field time spent documenting locations of rare and exciting birds and wildlife. This is a unique way to contribute to conservation and visit a reserve that will be exclusive to visit in the future.

A donation to Life Net of $1500 covers room, board, and transportation during the project within Ecuador and contributes to sustaining the project during the volunteer program. Airfare is not included. The team meets in Quito on the morning of June 27th, 2012. More information is available at the Life Net website - www.lifenetnature.org. For volunteers looking for a more extended experience in Ecuador, this project can be combined with the Amazon or Las Tangaras avian conservation projects.

To apply: E-mail a Life Net application form (available on volunteer page of www.lifenetnature.org) with short cover e-mail describing your skills and assets to Dr. Dusti Becker. Resume (optional).
Qualifications: Experience with mist-netting, banding, birding, bird counting, behavioral observations desirable, but training is provided. A strong interest in avian conservation and excellent health are sufficient.

Salary: None

Last Date to apply: May 23, 2012
Website: http://www.lifenetnature.org
Contact: Dr. Dusti Becker
E-mail: dbecker@lifenetnature.org(Preferred)
Phone: 520-384-3886

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