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Adriana Ortiz
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Field assistant on bonobo communication, DR CongoHiring Organization:Max-Planck Institute for OrnithologyPosition Description:We are looking for a volunteer field assistant for a project oncommunicative development of bonobos in the wild. The field siteLuiKotal is located in a remote forest area in the southern sector ofSalonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. The task will bethe collection of focal video data and scan data of bonobomother-infant-interactions. This involves long-distance walking indifficult terrain under very warm and humid climatic conditions.Qualifications/Experience:The position requires above average physical fitness, a high degree ofdiscipline, self-motivation ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Field assistant in Iguazu, ArgentinaHiring Organization:German Primate CenterPosition Description:We are looking for highly motivated volunteer field assistants for a project on the behavioral ecology of tufted capuchin monkeys in Iguazú National Park, Argentina. The current projects focus on aspects of mating and anti-predator behavior and vocalizations given in these contexts. The field season will last from mid-April to the end of August 2012. Assistants will be trained to recognize at least all adult individuals in the study groups, collect behavioral data via different sampling methods (e.g., focal, scan and ad libitum sampling), and make audio recordings of vocalizations. Other responsibilities ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Title: Bird Banding & Bird Survey Volunteers - Las Tangaras, Mindo, EcuadorLocation: Mindo, EcuadorJob Description: Ecuador Cloud Forest Bird Banding at Reserva las Tangaras, Mindo, EcuadorJuly 15-28, 2012. Volunteers assist Dr. Dusti Becker with long-term avian monitoring and conservation in the Andes of western Ecuador. Dr. Becker, a well-known tropical avian field ecologist with over 15 years of experience in Ecuador, leads the field project with assistance from experienced Ecuadorian para-biologists.Life Net field assistants help with mist-netting of birds at several banding stations located in the Las Tangaras Reserve to advance scientific understanding of cloud forest avian communities, ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Title: Ecology Research Assistants needed in Mexican Dry ForestsLocation: Alamos, MexicoJob Description: The Biodiversity Group is seeking research assistants to join its field team in Mexico's tropical dry forests to study the conservation ecology of native reptiles and amphibians and other wildlife. Some species of interest include the Mexican beaded lizard, mountain king snake, desert tortoise, spotted box turtle, Madrean black-tailed rattlesnake, barking frog, and the Mexican leaf frog. Expeditions travel to the Alamos region in Sonora Mexico to conduct research in a rare and wild tropical deciduous forest ecosystem.The work that research participants will be involved with will primarily ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Title: North American Regional Specialist- International Environmental NonprofitLocation: Kelowna BC CanadaJob Description: Island Conservation Canada, a project of Tides Canada Initiatives (TCI), is a science-driven project dedicated to preventing extinctions and protecting natural ecological and evolutionary processes on islands. The project integrates and applies research, priority-setting, education, capacity-building, conservation action, monitoring, and evaluation.Island Conservation Canada works closely with Island Conservation in Santa Cruz, California. Island Conservation is an international non-profit with offices in the USA, Chile, Ecuador, Australia, Canada and the Bahamas. The mission ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Title: LIfe Net Avian Conservation VolunteerLocation: Ecuador, Andes - west slopeJob Description: Ecuador Choco Forest Bird Survey - Mashpi Reserve - June 27 to July 10, 2012.Life Net's Dr. Dusti Becker and Ecuadorian biologist, Carlos Morochz, seek 6-8 volunteer research assistants to inventory birds in a new protected area - the Mashpi Reserve. Located deep in Ecuador's western Choco, Mashpi covers more than 17,000 hectares spanning elevations from 500 to 1300 m. Mashpi's amazing primary forest supports leks of Long-watttled Umbrella birds and numerous Choco endemic birds, and help is needed to complete survey work!Volunteers stay in comfortable apartments with modern facilities (hot water ...
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Adriana Ortiz
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Disponibles plazas de Practicas-voluntariado en el CRAS Madrid-Viñuelas (Centro de Recuperación de Animales Silvestres de la Comunidad de Madrid situado en Tres Cantos, Ctra Soto de Viñuelas s/n). El Centro es uno de los mayores de España y funciona como Centro de recuperación de Fauna autóctona y como Centro de recepción y acogida de Animales Exóticos y Mascotas no convencionales (incautaciones, decomisos, animales de particulares de todo tipo salvo perros y gatos). El compromiso normal es de un mes de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 horas (con una hora para comer). Si en algún mes quedan plazas vacantes se podrán completar con otros voluntarios que por motivos justificados no puedan cumplir con ...