
Programme Officer to the IUCN Species Programme - Washington D.C., United States of America

IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, is looking to recruit a full-time Programme Officer to join the existing staff of the IUCN Species Programme. The position will be based in the IUCN/SSC-CI/CABS Biodiversity Assessment Unit (BAU), a joint initiative between the IUCN Species Programme and Conservation International's Center for Applied Biodiversity Science. The remit of the BAU is to coordinate global initiatives to comprehensively assess the status of the world's biodiversity in order to rapidly expand the taxonomic and geographic coverage of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (www.iucnredlist.org). The first major output of the BAU was the first assessment of the world’s amphibians, the results of which were launched in September 2004. Since then, we have led a comprehensive assessment of all reef-building corals (July 2008), and a reassessment of all mammals (launched in October 2008). Several major initiatives are underway on marine and freshwater taxa, reptiles, and selected plant groups. The results of these assessments feed directly into the IUCN Red List, where they are made publicly and freely available.

The Programme Officer will be responsible for synthesizing and managing species conservation data, and helping to support the personal and institutional relationships necessary to compile these data. This is an entry-level position and the successful candidate will be a recent university graduate looking to build an international career in biodiversity conservation.


Compiling and synthesizing data for the global assessment initiatives, including drafting species accounts and creating distribution maps in Geographic Information System format.

Organizing and facilitating assessment workshops, including liaison with in-country partners and institutions.

Providing support to the production and publication of results in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

More information: http://hrms.iucn.org/iresy/index.cfm?event=vac.show&vacId=267&lang=en

Closing date: 13 July 2011

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