
Magdalena River Basin Program Coordinator - The Nature Conservancy

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The Magdalena River Basin Program Coordinator will strive to ensure the long-term viability of the river basin by reducing major threats to the biodiversity of the Magdalena River and its tributaries.

The Coordinator will lead a coordinated effort with a team of TNC staff from the Northern Andes Southern Central America (NASCA) Conservation Program and its five strategies (Protected Areas, Infrastructure, Indigenous Lands, Productive Landscapes and Water Funds) to work with key internal and external partners to define a vision that unites TNC, the Government of Colombia and other national/local partners into a larger landscape conservation area. This comprehensive freshwater program will work with a wide range of partners to coordinate actions that address threats at the appropriate scale along the Magdalena River Basin, from its headwaters in Southern Colombia to the Colombian Caribbean Sea. The program will emphasize collaborative efforts, building on existing efforts to protect the Magdalena River by both TNC and other partners, and will draw on the best available science to support its actions.

The Coordinator will provide leadership in establishing collaborative work between NASCA´s five strategies and TNC´s involved units and serve as the point person for partner collaboration. In association with TNC staff working on existing NASCA Strategies and science, the Coordinator will confirm the geographic and conservation boundaries of the Magdalena River Basin Program, initiate project-wide planning with partners, and coordinate and implement a plan to preserve identified targets along the River Basin. The Coordinator of the Magdalena River Basin Program will work closely with government relations, conservation, and philanthropy staff that support NASCA work as well as TNC’s Global Freshwater Team, Great River Partnership, Climate Change, Maryland State Chapter, Conservation Lands Program, and International Government Relations team. The position will not initially supervise staff, but may manage fellows, volunteers, contractors or interns as the project matures. In due time, the Program Manager will oversee support staff (recruited as needed) to provide logistical and communications support to TNC and partner personnel. The Coordinator will be a key fundraiser for the project and will report to the Conservation Program Director of the NASCA Conservation Program.


BA/BS degree and 7 years experience in conservation practice or equivalent combination of education and experience.

Experience with certain aspects of fundraising: identifying donor prospects and donor cultivation (if required).

Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including managing finances and coordinating the work of other professionals and partners.

Experience in partnership development (partners, community, government, etc.).

1. Convene a team of TNC players, from NASCA and other key units and conservation partners to establish a collective conservation vision for this project through the following actions:
-Solidify the vision and devise and implement an action plan for the Magdalena River Basin program.
-Complete the planning process for the Magdalena River, including integrating products from previous planning efforts.
-Review and revise (as necessary) the threats and targets previously identified for consistency with ecoregional goals and with TNC “Conservation by Design” practices.
-Work with TNC staff in the five strategies to assure complementary conservation actions across existing Magdalena River Basin conservation work.
-Assure that the conservation plan is in sync with Regional goals and with TNC shared organizational priorities.

2. Work with key governmental and NGO agencies to build lasting partnerships and coordinated plans of action to protect the Magdalena River and its tributaries. This work will include coordinating with and integrating existing protection and restoration plans of partners.

3. Help identify funding for long-term viability of program activities through work with NASCA/Colombia government relations and philanthropy staff.

4. Prepare annual and multi annual operating plans and budgets.

5. Work with Regional and Worldwide Office staff to share ideas and expertise on conservation of aquatic systems.

6. Promote the existence of the Magdalena River Basin Program through speaking engagements in local communities and academic organizations and with government officials.

Place: Bogotá, D.C.
Send resume to programcordinator.tnc@gmail.com The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Deadline: June/15/2011

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