
Financiamiento para Magister y/o Doctorado

Whitney R. Harris and Saint Louis Zoo Fellowship in Animal Conservation
University of Missouri-St. Louis and Saint Louis Zoo

In collaboration with the Saint Louis Zoo, the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center at the University of Missouri-St. Louis invites applications from suitably- qualified, highly-motivated graduates for a fully-funded master’s or Ph.D. fellowship in animal conservation.

The purpose of The Whitney R. Harris and Saint Louis Zoo Fellowship in Animal Conservation is to educate zoologists who will become scientific leaders in the field of in situ and/or ex situ animal conservation. The two to five year fellowship (depending on degree program) is designed to attract and support an individual who will make a significant difference in the development and application of animal conservation programs.

Applicants for the Harris Fellowship in Animal Conservation must have a bachelor's degree in biology, meet the entrance requirements for graduate study in the Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and be able to demonstrate potential for strong leadership and rigorous scientific research in animal conservation.

The fellowship will provide recruitment and repatriation airfares, stipend, tuition fee waiver and the opportunity to apply for competitive research funds. Harris-Zoo Fellows in Animal Conservation will be enrolled in the Ph.D. or M.S. graduate degree programs and will be involved in special workshops or internships designed to increase the Fellow’s capacity to make an impact in conservation following graduation.

For further information, please contact the Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center at osbornepl@umsl.edu or download additional materials from the web sites listed below.

To learn more about the Department of Biology at University of Missouri-St. Louis:

To learn more about the Saint Louis Zoo and the WildCare Institute:

To learn more about Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center:

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