Publicado por
Adriana Ortiz
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Se necesitan voluntarios para trabajar con Lechuzas de las Vizcacheras (Athene cunicularia).
Periodo: Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre y Enero.
Periodo mínimo: 15 días.
Lugar: Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
tareas a realizar incluyen identificación y búsqueda
de nidos de individuos de Lechuzas de las Vizcacheras, capturas
mediante trampas, anillado, toma de muestras de sangre y medidas
El trabajo se llevará a cabo en los alrededores de la
Ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Se ...
Volunteer research assistant - Ecology and social behavior of howling monkeys in Palenque, Mexico
Publicado por
Adriana Ortiz
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Hiring Organization: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Position Description:
We are looking for volunteers to assist in projects studying the social
system and ecology of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) at Palenque
National Park, Mexico. The project investigates the social and genetic
factors mediating individual participation in naturally occurring
howling bouts and group defense in black howler monkeys (by Dr. S. Van
Belle). Assistants will work in a team together with Dr. Van Belle while
observing study groups. Observations days runs start at sunrise to
sunset during which multiple types of data such as activity and
proximity scan samples are collected, in ...
Publicado por
Adriana Ortiz
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El INVEMAR requiere un (1) estudiante de
pregrado de Biología, Biología Marina, Ecología o carreras afines con
conocimientos básicos en comunidades zooplanctónicas marinas, con el fin
de desarrollar su trabajo de grado en “Caracterización de la comunidad
zooplanctónica asociada a los bloques de exploración en el área
sur-occidental de Isla Fuerte y la Alta Guajira en el marco del proyecto
Toxicidad de fluidos de exploración de hidrocarburos offshore en
organismos nativos del Caribe colombiano - ecosistemas profundos y sus
recursos pesqueros en el los área sur-occidental de Isla Fuerte y la
Alta Guajira, Caribe colombiano, desarrollado por el programa
Biodiversidad y Ecosistemas Marinos ...
Publicado por
Adriana Ortiz
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Hiring Organization: Lilongwe Wildlife Centre
Position Description: The
Lilongwe Wildlife Centre is a wildlife rescue, conservation and
education centre. Our main goal is to help the wildlife, as well of the
people of Malawi. As a rescue centre we try to help all kinds of
orphaned and injured wild animals which are native to Malawi. Wherever
suitable we aim to release those animals back into the wild again. When
not releasable, we provide life time care for the animals. As a
conservation centre we also work together with local communities through
our education and community outreach projects. This makes us the first
People and Wildlife (PAW) accredited organization in the world. ...
Publicado por
Adriana Ortiz
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Hiring Organization: Alouatta Sanctuary & Eco-Lodge
Position Description: Alouatta Sanctuary near David, Panama provides a limited
number of internship opportunities for those seeking first-hand
experience in the fields of primate rehabilitation, tropical forest
conservation, and environmental education. Alouatta Sanctuary is the
only wildlife rehabilitation site in Panama currently specializing in
the rehabilitation of primates, with an emphasis on mantled howler
monkeys. As such, it serves an important role in conserving animals
critical to tropical forest ecosystems, and educating the public about
primate biology and rainforest conservation. Successful applicants will ...