
Primate Scientist Position with Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project

Primate Scientist Position with OuTrop Hiring Organization: OuTrop (Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project) Position Description: OuTrop is looking for a new Primate Scientist to help manage its Orangutan, Gibbon and Red Langur research projects in the Sabangau research station located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (Borneo). The successful candidate will work together with the Project Directors to help maintain and ...

3 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Vertebrate Ecology at University of Exeter, UK

College of Life and Environmental SciencesCentre for Ecology and Conservation, Cornwall CampusAssociate Research Fellow in Marine Vertebrate Ecology (Ref. P42975)Salary: £24,520 - £26,779 per annum, depending on qualifications and experienceFixed term contract for 18 monthsThe College wishes to recruit up to three Associate Research Fellows to support the work of Professor Brendan Godley, Dr Annette Broderick and Dr Matthew Witt in the UK and overseas. These positions are funded by the Darwin Initiative, EU FP7 and NERC are available immediately for 18 months. Research topics include Marine Renewable Energy, Fisheries Bycatch, Marine Acoustics, Satellite tracking, Spatial Ecology and Conservation.The ...


La empresa TRAGSA-TRAGSATEC, está buscando dos candidatos para una licitación internacional para la IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LAS DIRECTIVAS AVES Y HÁBITAT EN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA.en los siguientes puestos: TEAM LEADER: Formación y Experiencia- Licenciado en Ciencias biológicas, ciencias ambientales o similar- Perfecto manejo hablado y escrito de la lengua inglesa- Al menos 10 años de experiencia profesional en gestión ambiental- Experiencia en gestión de proyectos (participación como Team Leader o puesto equivalente en al menos 2 proyectos relacionados con el objeto de este contrato)- Mínimo 5 años de experiencia en implementación de las Directivas Aves y ...

Rehabilitation Intern - Espanola (NM)

Title: Rehabilitation Intern Agency: The Wildlife Center Job Description: Openings for 3 summer interns to be upervised by Wildlife Care Director and Rehabilitation Staff. Will assist the Rehab staff with all aspects of care with the rehabilitation of mammals, song birds and raptors. Will be required to perform veterinary and husbandry skills by the end of the internship period, which will include but not be limited to: diet preparation, daily care and feeding, capture and restraint and basic medical procedures. An independent research project associated with intern's interests is to be completed by the end of the internship period. Internship time-frame is June 11th-August 11th; 35-40 hours/week; ...

Turtle Conservation Fund – Grants 2012

The Turtle Conservation Fund makes grants to organizations and individuals worldwide for conservation and research of endangered and critically endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. Most grants are US$2 thousand to US$5 thousand per project. Application deadlines are 01 May and 01 November each yearMore information: http://www.turtleconservationfund.org/gran ...

Amphibian Ark -- Seed Grants 2012

Amphibian Ark offers the AArk Seed Grant of US$5 thousand in support of ex situ conservation of globally endangered amphibian species. The grant is intended for start-up rescue projects that need seed money in order to attract larger funding. Projects should work with species in their range countries, involve range-country biologists, conform to biosecurity standards, and observe other guidelines explained on the website. ...

Scientific Writing Instructor - Costa Rica

OTS seeks an instructor for a 3-week course in scientific writing as part of the Tropical Biology on a Changing Planet Undergraduate Study Abroad Program. A small group of undergraduate biology students will learn the skills related to evaluating, structuring, and writing scientific articles and/or grants during this 60 contact hour course. Students will receive course credit from Duke University. Lessons will be based in the area of San Pedro in Costa Rica; travel and lodging expenses will not be included in instructor compensation. Lessons will be given between Monday and Friday. Course schedule will be decided upon by the instructor and may include some hours with lessons given via internet ...

Coordinator of Short Course: Tropical Field Biology in Costa Rica

The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is currently seeking applicants for one Co-Coordinator position in the Short Course: Tropical Field Biology in Costa Rica. This 2-week course is an introduction to tropical biology and field research that visits 2 OTS field stations (La Selva and Las Cruces) as well as Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica. This NSF-funded short course is targeted at students from LSAMP institutions and will provide students with novel exposure to tropical ecosystems. Students will attend classroom lectures and participate in field/laboratory activities on tropical biology and scientific research. Successful applicants will work closely with the Course Coordinator ...

WWF Colombia - Profesional de Apoyo para Coordinación de Inclusión de tema Cambio Climático en la Gestión de la Dirección Territorial Pacífico

Funciones: Prestar los servicios profesionales para apoyar a las Áreas Protegidas de la Dirección Territorial Pacifico (DTPA) en el desarrollo de sus análisis vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio y la variabilidad climática dentro de los procesos de revisión y actualización de los planes de manejo.Recepción de hojas de vida hasta el 20 de enero 2012Descargar información completa en pdf: http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/tdrprofesional_cc_direccion_territorial_pacifico__04_01_2012_. ...

Programa Biología de la Conservación y Uso de la Biodiversidad - Biólogos y Ecólogos

El Programa Biología de la Conservación y Uso de la Biodiversidad esta interesado en recibir hojas de vida de biólogos y ecologos con formación profesional y experiencia laboral en los siguientes temas:•Recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales•Especies introducidas e invasoras (en ambientes continentales e insulares, terrestres y dulceacuícolas)•Orinoquia y áreas protegidasLos interesados que cumplan con el perfil, por favor enviar hoja de vida al Coordinador del Programa, Carlos A. Lasso (classo@humboldt.org.co) antes del 25 de enero de 20 ...

Orangutan Research Volunteer - North Sumatra, Indonesia

Title: Orangutan Research Volunteer Agency: Orangutan Health Project Location: Leuser Ecosystem, North Sumatra, Indonesia Job Description: Principal Investigator: MVDr Ivona Foitova PhD Qualifications: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, PhD study of Diseases of Wild Animals and Animals in Zoological Gardens from Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University of Brno, Czech Republic, Europe. Affiliations: UMI - Saving of Pongidae ...